Hi, it's Jason again and today I want to share with you another great article by myself. This article is going to teach you proper planning for weight loss success!
Enjoy the article!
Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success
by Jason Ng
by Jason Ng
The common and overused phrase "If you don't plan, plan to fail" will never be healthier when it comes to running a successful weight loss program. The most important starting point to determine the weight you want to lose over some time to achieve realistic goals. Although many people have a certain amount of losses in mind, they may not be able to waste time. This can be calculated by calculation based on the percentage of body fat. Before starting any weight loss program, measure your body fat with a qualified specialist to tell you how much fat you need to lose. Once you know this, you can set realistic goals and expectations. For mental and physiological reasons, do not try to diet for more than 12 to 16 weeks at a time. Depending on the tone of your muscles, your physical condition, your body type, and many other factors, you can expect to lose between 6 and 5 pounds of body weight in the first 3 to 4 weeks of a well-designed nutrition program. Also, the reasonable objective is to try to lose two pounds per week for the rest of the time.
This means that the actual goal for weight loss ranges from 30 to 40 pounds for 3 to 4 months. If you have 100 pounds, to lose, for example, you will need more than one feeding program to achieve this goal. If you need more than one diet program, do not plan to eat one by one where you will get diminishing returns. To lose a lot of weight, put on several diet programs and short breaks. For example, if you need a loss of 100 pounds, think about it with three 12-week programs that range from 10 days to two weeks. To do this, avoid eating low-calorie foods during non-peak periods, but keep eating the foods you eat, but in larger amounts. Expect to take between 5 and 8 pounds between two diets and take this into account in your overall weight loss strategy. If you need several plans like this to achieve your goals, draw an annual calendar, but only worry about the details of each program as you prepare to do so.
Once you decide the duration of the program (or the number of programs you may need), the most important step in planning is the current step. Whichever teacher you choose to follow, the best advice is to write your meal plan before you begin. Do not start your weight loss program without following the written card. Otherwise, you will leave the session. Whether you are eating three meals prepared with microwaves and delicious foods, record the number of points using one application on your phone, or follow one menu at a time, keep this in mind before starting. Writing your menu will save you a lot of guesswork about what to eat, when, and how. Although this may take some time, if your plan is properly prepared with the right foods and amounts, it will almost guarantee success.
To lose weight constantly, it is important to eat the same amount of calories every day. Flying near the leg of the pants and eating different foods every day can easily cause an irregular intake of calories and hinder fat loss. A written diet plan will ensure the consistency of calories. It also makes it easier to increase or decrease the number of calories you need to control weight loss. If you consume a lot of calories and need to reduce your intake, the written diet plan will help you choose which foods (and amounts) you can reduce. Keeping written notes of your diet will also help you stay mentally strong in your program. If you are only eating the foods listed in your diet, you will avoid losing your spirit as a greedy treatment that hinders your efforts. A well-written plan can be an accurate shopping list. After following your nutrition plan for a short time, you will save it soon, but until you do, you should take it with you every time you prepare and eat a meal.
While the diet alone will only allow you to lose a limited amount of weight, it will go much further by including intensive exercises in your program. To lose more weight, you must include cardiovascular and muscle training in your plan. Cardiovascular work should be done for general fitness, as well as for fat loss. Bodybuilding is essential to maintain lean body mass and improve muscle tone. The result will be a smaller body, a more muscular and better physical condition. As a healthy nutrition plan, a good strength training program should also be planned, but the details need not be precise. Whenever your strength training program uses gradual resistance for several weeks, select a priority balance (for each muscle group to work at least 1-2 times a week) and intensity when running. Cardiovascular training should be practiced separately from resistance training, if possible, but if the schedule does not allow it, it is fine.
Perhaps the most important part of your diet is the beginning. If you start slowly and without conviction, you can exit and stop quickly before seeing the results you want. Plan your weight loss program at least 1-2 weeks before starting. This will give your mind time to prepare and make a big change. A few days before opening day, start preparing everything. In particular, you should make sure you update your gym membership, that you have the right clothes for all the work you do, that you will prepare a shopping list and that you will buy all the food you need. If you have a problem with temptations, you can use this time to get rid of all bad, fatty, and non-food foods in the home. Plan your weight loss program correctly in advance, and the only thing that can hamper your efforts is your will. Anyone can lose 5 to 10 kilograms by cutting sugar, bread, or soft drinks for two to three weeks. However, real weight loss requires planning. If you have more to lose, take your time, plan, and make sure you reach your goals.
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